My biological environment consists of my children, my health, my weight, exercise/gym, nutrition/food and sleep. My psychological environment consists of my emotions, my thoughts, my creativity, happiness, depression, and body image.
My psychological and biological environments are quite closely linked in many ways. My body image is linked to depression, which is linked to the gym, that I use to combat the depression using endorphins created from the exercise. The gym and food from my biological environment help me lose weight, which then helps my body image, which is linked to my emotions and depression.
My social environment consists of friends, family, relationships, media, social media, uni and work. This links back to my psychological environment through the media's view on body image, which is perpetuated through social media. Work also links to my creativity in the psychological environment because my job as a photographer is my creative outlet which gives me a sense of happiness and fulfillment.
My physical environment consists of technology, including computers, ipad, mobile phone. My car, appliances, my camera, this links to my social environment through my car as I use it as a means to do a lot of social things like, going to see friends, going to uni, going to work.
My cultural and natural environments don't have as much significance as my other environments, as I really only do the cultural things such as Christmas, Easter and birthdays for me children. And the natural environment links to my work, which I'll go into more detail with.
The natural environment links to me work in the social environment. As a photographer, which is my creative outlet, so it also has a link to my psychological environment. I use social media to promote my work so there is another link to the social environment, and its also linked to my physical environment with the equipment I use.
The most important environments seem to be my psychological and biological environments, and they are quite intertwined with each other, other environments having smaller influences and links from other area's